Oak wood, surprising interiors

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– with the contribution of different types of woods unusual, exotic and special

– thanks to the study, design and combination of different woods

– through artisanal work on the same wood to achieve the desired effect

On this last point we wanted to put special emphasis on today’s article. There are different ways of influencing wood: by painting, tinting the sheets, finishing and rusticating, among others. And if there is one type of wood that can be worked on, with highly satisfactory results, it is undoubtedly the oak.

So, being a very conventional and widely used wood, due to its hardness and quality; you can get really original effects from it. To support our thesis, today we leave you our latest work: this Rural House in Teruel (appears in the photo that accompanies the text). For the execution, both of the ceilings, walls, and doors, of this project, oak has been used, but on this wood we have applied a special formula to whiten it, at the same time that we have hand-textured it to achieve a beautiful effect Rusticated Here I leave you more photos of the project, in case you are curious: Casa Rural, Teruel.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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