FSC® certification, available to Raclima customers

Wood is a natural resource that we must protect. Conscience, morals and ethics should always prevail before making any decision, therefore, we should not consume products that do not comply with the legislation. In the wood sector, we have an indicator of commitment to respect the environment, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®), a certificate that guarantees control of the production chain.

Of course, at Raclima, we have this Chain of Custody Certificate, available upon request.

“The Raclima wood panels have a complete and documented management system in place, and the Raclima company is qualified to offer wood panels and panels that meet the needs of our customers and, at the same time, are respectful of the environment. For this reason, Raclima promotes the use of raw materials from controlled forestry operations, such as the chain of custody “FSC®.” In order to fulfill these premises, we train our workers at all levels, promoting in them a greater degree of sensitivity and responsibility to protect our environment. ”

The Chain of Custody certification applies to FSC® certified manufacturers, finders and distributors of forest products. This type of certification verifies that the products that are sold with FSC® label actually contain FSC® certified materials and controlled sources throughout their production chain.

If you have been interested in this article, you may want to know about the Raclima certificates. You can do it here http://raclima.com/tecnico/